My Portraits

Model Pictures

I wanted to show the type of Photos i enjoy taken fashion/Styled Portraits i wanted to take many hints From Lara jade. These Pictures are ones that i Have taken myself, they are People that i am quiet good friends with actually they are very Close friend so i found it very easy to take their Picture because of this, i wanted to make sure that the pictures look as clear and professional as Possible. the first if one of an old from  London this is without a doubt one of my all time favourite Portraits. it was Taken outside the photography Gallery in London and Shows of the Type of Picture i want to Take. i also made it very easy that my friend was a model and was very used to being in front of the camera, she could easily show different emotions, IMG_6048


My Work

The Next Few Are of a close friend from university, she was very open with the idea of me taking photos of her we walked around the campus to look for the “perfect spot” but never really found one, we made do with what was around us. we started with her standing up i felt like this didn’t show her face very well, so we moved to a seated this allowed us to see much more of her Face and feel more emotion too. i copied this form Lara jades work.

“I always love a cinematic editorial shoot! Tell me you want an on location shoot and throw in some retro inspired clothing and you’ve got my attention!”New Standing -3 New Standing -2

New Standing -1 Sitting on Bench

When deciding how to edit i wanted to make sure that a real Natural look to all of the Photos on the other hand i wanted them to to very relaxed. i ended up giving the Photos much more colour and life. this allowed to tell a story and made them Come alive.



My Work with Strangers

Next Came the Task of working with Total Strangers, i found this to be easy so i gave myself the task of turning everyone into models, this proved to be harder than i thought. the people i meet were quite basic and simply

1-1 1-3


This was my favourite, i dont know her name but she was a Writer for the local news paper and was doing and piece about weird looking vegetables and this just made me laugh. so we had a trade Pictures for word a Fair trade in my eyes


For all of the Portraits i Wanted to only use a 50 mm lens because that is the lens that Lara Uses mostly for her work, she also works with Large aperture Like f1.8. with the wide aperture of  a f1.8 LENS, especially going from the boring and basic kit lens that are normally f5.6, this lens gives  more light coming through the lens opening and into the Camera . This allows you to use either a faster shutter speed and avoid camera shake, or a lower ISO and avoid the noise you get from higher ISOs, or a combination of both. this made my photo come out very clear, i was also able to edit them very easily.

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